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Boron carbide ceramic products

SN: Time:2022-10-09 Views:305
Product Introduction

Boron carbide/aluminum composite ceramic products (nuclear shielding and neutron absorbing materials) - Boron carbide/aluminum composite ceramic materials are mainly used in nuclear industry spent fuel dry storage facilities and nuclear shielding facilities to ensure the critical safety and radiation shielding of spent fuel during storage and transportation. It is known that the boron carbide/aluminum neutron absorbing materials used in the nuclear industry generally have problems such as short service life and poor corrosion resistance.
Our company through technical research, improve the production process, so that the materials fully reaction synthesis, the formation of real ceramic materials, so as to solve the above application problems.

Product Details

The aluminum-based boron carbide neutron absorption materials produced by our company are produced in strict accordance with the technical specifications of related products in the nuclear industry, to ensure that the materials meet the industry testing standards in terms of appearance quality, density, mechanical properties, neutron absorption properties and other aspects.

Attached table: Specification parameters


Boron carbide target material -- our company has been committed to the development and upgrading of boron related materials and new processes for a long time, accumulated rich experience, and at the same time established a long-term cooperative relationship with a number of well-known research institutes in China. Our company can customize the production of various specifications, shapes, parameters of boron carbide target according to customer requirements, advanced production technology, leading technology.


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