Hebei Mancheng Economic Development Zone leaders to the company for project research

Time:2021-11-22 Source:本站

On November 22, 2021, four leaders from China Merchants Bureau and Examination and Approval Bureau of Mancheng District Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province, visited Xushui District and Jingxiu District production bases of our company for field research and investigation on the project of "Research and development and production base of new neutron shielding materials for aerospace and nuclear Industry" declared by our company. Dong Kesheng, chairman of the company, and some management staff accompanied the whole process. And the company's main products, production process, market size, operating income and future development prospects were introduced in detail to each leader. After the preliminary investigation of the production and operation status of our company, the leaders of the investigation team gave full affirmation to the future development prospects of the project and the achievements of the company. They also had an in-depth discussion on the construction planning, investment situation and market income of the project and learned that the main problem facing the enterprise is that the existing environment has seriously restricted the development of the enterprise. The person in charge of the investigation team said that they would form written materials to report to the superior leadership as soon as possible, and strive to accelerate the approval process of the project.

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