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Boron nitride products

SN: Time:2022-10-09 Views:10569
Product Introduction

At present, there are many kinds of boron nitride products in the domestic market, although the manufacturing process is much the same, but the main difference is the material, high-end boron nitride products need to use high crystal, high cleanliness, low oxygen content of raw materials, so that the product quality is excellent; On the other hand, the compression density is uniform, uniform heat, only with the above properties of boron nitride products to prolong its life, enhance the corrosion resistance, to adapt to a variety of working environment.
The boron nitride ceramic products produced by the company have reached the above high-end technical level, and the quality and performance of the products are comparable to similar foreign products.

Product Details

At present, our company can batch produce blank of boron nitride products with various specifications and parameters, which can be divided into cylinder and cuboid according to the shape, and can be customized and processed into blank products with minimal tolerance according to the needs of users. Blank appearance is smooth, smooth, no black spots, moderate density, suitable for processing a variety of high-end applications of products.

Attached Table 1: Specifications and models



Attached Table 2: Physical and chemical indexes



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