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Boron ceramic products

SN: Time:2022-10-09 Views:320
Product Introduction

At present, boron carbide is the main basic material for neutron absorption and shielding materials commonly used in special equipment of nuclear industry. In order to improve neutron absorption ability, pure boron can be used to make shielding materials. After special production process, the formation of high purity boron dodecide, compared with similar boron carbide ceramic materials, under the same shielding and neutron absorption standards, has the advantages of lighter weight, smaller volume and so on.
In view of the urgent demand of nuclear engineering construction and nuclear power facilities for materials with good moderated absorption/shielding effect, light texture, small volume and radiation resistance, our company has cooperated with relevant scientific research institutions to develop new boron-aluminum based neutron protection composite materials. Through the repeated trials of our R&D staff, we have successfully prepared a variety of sizes and composition products. After testing, the material uniformity, crystallinity and density of the product have reached a high level, and the preparation process, mechanical properties and neutron slowing absorption properties have reached the relevant standards.

Product Details

At present, our company has the mass production capacity of aluminum-based boron neutron composite protective materials, and can manufacture and customize aluminum-based boron neutron composite protective materials with different specifications and parameters according to customers' requirements.

Attached table: Specification parameters


Pure boron target: Our company has been committed to the development and upgrading of boron-related materials and new processes for a long time, and has accumulated rich experience. At the same time, we have established long-term cooperative relations with a number of well-known scientific research institutes in China. Our company can customize the production of various specifications, parameters of pure boron target according to customer requirements, the production process is advanced, leading technology. Sustainable for our customers to provide a variety of composition ratio, specifications, purity of the target processing customized services.


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