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Boron alloys and intermediate series

SN:100010610763 Time:2022-09-18 Views:408
Product Introduction

Boron is known as the "monosodium glutamate" of cutting-edge defense industry and the "vitamin" of high-end manufacturing industry. It can be combined with a variety of metals to change the properties of materials. Most of them are boron intermediates and casting as the main application mode.
Due to different boron content requirements, this kind of material is mainly produced in directional direction.

Product Details

The company can customize the production of a variety of boron alloys and boron intermediate products (powder, solid), purity, particle size control. Due to a large variety of products, not all can be shown, please consult our company for details.

Boron alloys (part) :

Boron intermediate class (part) :


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